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What are Crash Betting Games?

Crash is a type of popular betting game in online casinos. In this game, players bet on a multiplier that continuously increases until a breaking point is reached. The goal of the game is to cash out the bet before the breaking point is reached, so that the player can win the bet amount multiplied by the current multiplier.

The mechanics of the game work as follows: Players choose the bet amount and click “bet”. The multiplier starts increasing slowly, and at any point, the player can click “cash out” to collect their winnings. However, if the player does not cash out before the breaking point is reached, the bet is lost.

The multiplier varies in each game round, usually starting at 1x and can reach extremely high values. However, the breaking point is also random and can be reached at any time.

Example: If you bet R$100.00 and manage to cash out at 5x, you win R$500.00!




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